Jordan High School Community Council Meeting
Wednesday, October 6, 2021
6:00pmTech Atrium
1. Welcome Rebekah Cowdell
2. Amy Moved to Approved May minutes. Rebekah Cowdell
Patrick Moved to Approve the Aug Minutes.
3. Budgets Dr. Eschler
*$10,000 moved from Land Trust to be used for teacher appreciation
*Proposed to hire an additional Hall Monitor
Motion made by Amy to approve additional Hall Monitor, 2nd by Angela
All in Favor
4. Data Review Dr. Eschler
5. Land Trust Plan Dr. Eschler
6. TSSP (Teacher Student Success Plan) Dr. Eschler
7. Digital Citizenship Plan Dr. Eschler
*Created by M. Hakkarinen, shared by Dr. Eschler
*District Digital Citizenship lesson will be pushed out monthly via the Heatbeet Lessons
*Survey given to SCC members on Digital Citizenship
1. What 3rd party/outside entities are collecting data and where is it being stored? What piece of student data is being housed at the school, state, or 3rd party level. (W. Ashby)
2. Education on Phishing situations (P. Doyle)
3. Will students be taught that Social Media is not a necessity? (A. Bryant)
4. Include data to teach Pros and Cons on social media usage and rework the order of presentations (move April lesson to Oct/Nov)
ACTION ITEM-Dr. Eschler will follow up with #1
ACTION ITEM-Dr. Eschler will talk to Michelle about #4
8. Positive Behavior Plan Dr. Eschler
9. Counseling Center Update Dr. Eschler
*Currently Utah College Application Week (UCAW)
Counselors in ELA classes to help Seniors Apply to college
Also assisted with career plan
CANVAS Course demonstrates how to walk through the college application
Course is available all school year
Funding available for applications to assist students with needs throughout the month.
*Nov.-Meeting with Juniors for College/Career Plan
* Senior Bulletin shared the week prior to UCAW Week.
10. Other Items SCC Members
*Additional signage in the front of the school, for marketing purposes
*Additional branding provided by the U of U, in the form of pillar wraps
11. Adjourn
Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Beki Cowdell, Aimee Wagner, Amy Bryant, Patrick Doyle, Trudy Barnes, Bryn Cook, Angela Robinson, Heather Isbell, Robyn Davidson, Jennifer Hilton, Stephanie Brockbank, Wendell Ashby, Maddie Christopher, Dina Kohler, Dr. Bruce Eschler, Jason Long