Jordan High School Community Council Meeting
Wednesday, January 12, 2022 @ 6:00 pm
Tech Atrium
Dr. Bruce Eschler
Jason Long
Rebekah Cowdell
Trudy Barnes
Jennifer Hilton
Brandie Kafentzis, zoom
Angela Robinson, zoom
Bryn Cook, zoom
James Barron, zoom
Patrick Doyle, zoom
Robyn Davidson, zoom
Aimee Wagner, zoom
Madeleine Christopher
Adam Boyer, zoom
Stephanie Brockbank , zoom
Heather Isbell, zoom
Wendell Ashby – excused
Dina Kohler – excused
Amy Bryant – excused
1. Welcome Rebekah Cowdell
2. Review and Approval of Meeting Minutes Rebekah Cowdell
Motion to approve minutes Angela Robinson
Second by Jennifer Hilton
Unanimous approve
No oppose
3. Budgets Dr. Eschler
TSSA and Land Trust Budgets
Large, Money to Spend
Lots of unfilled positions
Extra money carryover from last year
What should we spend it on?
Dr. Eschler Proposals: (all in contingency plan)
Item 1: Educational Technology ($100,000 or more)
$100,000 or more
Apple TV in each classroom
iPads for each teacher
Aimee asked about apps/software needs
Bruce said let’s build into next year’s budget/plan
Department Wish Lists
For example, CTE would request cameras for food class, etc.
New calculators for upper math programs
Based on department (teacher) requests
Sounds Great
Angela emphasized technology can help staffing shortages
Item 2: AVID Conference ($30-40k)
Send more than the allotted amount by district, up to 20 paid with Land Trust money, district will pay for 5.
Item 3: Vape Sensors ($20-30k, installed)
JH: I think it is a lot of money to spend…
TB: How big of a problem is vaping at Jordan High?
PD: in support
Possible wait and see if district rolls this out district-wide
JH: What are the current consequences?
AR: how sustainable is this deterrent? Kids will just vape somewhere else. What are other options for this money?
It would be used for more items on the technology wish list
Maybe another Hall Monitor? (4th one)
Many members said Hall monitors investment is better than vape sensors.
Dr. Eschler motions to prioritize: (in order)
4th Hall Monitor
Purchasing Educational Tech
Sending Additional teachers to travel to AVID conference
Seconded by Heather Isbell
All in Favor, None opposed
Motion passes
Can be revisited if money is more or less than thought
Idea, pay teachers on their consultation to monitor hallways ???
Item 4. Data Review Dr. Eschler
Madi Christopher presented average AP Scores compared to Utah and Global
Outstanding Stats
100% pass in Drawing (above a 3)
US History – 84% 3 or above compared to 50% ish for Utah and Global
DLI Data
AP Spanish vs DLI 5
55% pass in AP, 79% in DLI pass
Item 5. Land Trust Plan Dr. Eschler
Final report now available for last year’s plan
Bruce will enter data
Item 6. TSSP (Teacher Student Success Plan) Dr. Eschler
Next month, draft of TSSP plans will be available
Bruce would like to increase CE and AP course offerings at Jordan High
Possible consideration for line item in budget for next year
Item 7. SCC Bylaws – Review/Adopt Dr. Eschler/SCC Members
Review of Updates from past meetings
Motion to Adopt Updated Bylaws Changes made by Trudy Barnes
Seconded by Robyn & Stephanie
Unanimous in favor
Nobody opposed
Item 8. Counseling Center Updates Maddie Christopher
Finishing meeting with Juniors for CCRs, finish in February
Course Registration for 2022-2023 coming in February
Incoming 10th-12th will receive cards in APP
Incoming 9th graders, TBD
Digger Fair/9th Grade tour of Jordan, Jan 26th
What’s our temperature?
In classrooms?
SBO virtual tour?
Navy National Defense Cadet Corporation
Aka Jr. ROTC program
1.5 year out to implement
Lots of support in exploring this
Target Fall of 2023
Item 9. Graduation Venue Update Dr. Eschler
Maverik Center based on votes
Was the vote close? 60% Maverik, 40% at JHS
Drive-thru cap and gown drive-thru party?
Item 10. Other Items SCC Members
Item 11. Adjourn
Motion to adjourn made by Trudy
Seconded by Jennifer
Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 9, 2022