95 Beetdigger Blvd, Sandy, UT 84070

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Welcome to Jordan High School
Home of the Beetdiggers
“Preparing students for post high school success”

Jordan High School Community Council Meeting

Wednesday, February 9, 2022
6:00 pm  Tech Atrium

In Attendance: Trudy Barnes, Bryn Cook, Jonathan Barron, Beki Cowdell, Heather Isabell, Robyn Davidson, Angela Robinson, Jason Long, Patrick Doyle, Stephanie Brockbank, Madeline Christopher, Jason Long, Amy Bryant, Brandie Kafentzis, Trudy Barnes, Amy Wagner, Dina Kohler

Excused:  Jennifer Hilton


1. Welcome                                                                                 Rebekah Cowdell

2. Review and Approval of Meeting Minutes                         Rebekah Cowdell 
Motion to approve – Patrick Doyle
2nd – Angela Robinson

3. Budgets                                                                                    Dr. Eschler
Questions – 
A. What budget changes were adjusted from last year?
B. What part of money comes from school as opposed to the district? 

4. Data Review                                                                             Dr. Eschler

5. Land Trust Plan                                                                       Dr. Eschler
Vote to approve next month 

6. TSSP (Teacher Student Success Plan)                               Dr. Eschler
Vote to approve next month

7. Counseling Center Updates                                                  Maddie Christopher
Counselors are fully involved in the registration process

8. Other Items                                                                              SCC Members
     One-way traffic in front of school
     b. More signs (exit) example Chic-Fil-A
     c. Email reminder to the community  
     d. Officer Hoopes will park his car to help the flow of traffic

     Active Shooter Drill
     a. What type of drills do we use
     b. Are the police involved
     c. Draper Park did an after school shooter training  
     d. Use an opt-in option 
     e. Create an interactive lesson
     f. Ask the student council if they see a need

     Prom date – April 16
     Lunch issues with getting what the students want

9. Discussion for March meeting
    How to include more students at school dances

10. Adjourn

Motion to adjourn – Robyn
2nd – Trudy

Next Meeting: Wednesday, March 9, 2022


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