95 Beetdigger Blvd, Sandy, UT 84070

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Welcome to Jordan High School
Home of the Beetdiggers
“Preparing students for post high school success”

Jordan High School Community Council Meeting
Wednesday, March 9, 2022 
6:00 pm Tech Atrium


In Attendance:  

Jennifer Hilton, Heather Isbell, Amy Grant, Aimee Wagner, Angela Robinson Robyn Davidson, Dina Kohler, Jason Long, James Barron, Rebekah Cowdell, Bruce Eschler, Wendell Ashby, Maddie Christopher, Stephanie Brockbank


Bryn Cook, Patrick Doyle

1. Welcome                                                                                       Rebekah Cowdell

2. Review and Approval of Meeting Minutes                              Rebekah Cowdell
   Motion to accept the minutes: Amiee Wagner

3. Budgets                                                                                         Dr. Eschler

4. Data Review                                                                                  Dr. Eschler

5. Land Trust Plan                                                                            Dr. Eschler

6. TSSP (Teacher Student Success Plan)                                    Dr. Eschler   
   Motion to approve Land Trust and TSSP changes: Angela 
   Second:  Amy Bryant
   Vote abstained by Wendell Ashby since he arrived late

7. Counseling Center Updates                                                       Maddie Christopher:
   10th grade CCR in World Civ classes
   ACT test
   Question on ACT Prep classes at Jordan. 
   We were able to report that JHS did offer ACT prep classes prior to the ACT test. 

8. Other Items                                                                                  SCC Members
   A.  Boys Swimming team earned 5A Academic State Champions, as reported by Joson Long
   B.  Questions concerning the traffic pattern by Wendall Ashby
   C. Action Item for Dina K.-email district for added signage.
   D.  Action Item for Dina K.-Heartbeet lesson on traffic pattern and safety of using the light. 
   E.  Dina and Jason will observe drop-off and pick-up times for irregular traffic patterns. 

9. Adjourn
   Motion Wendall A.
   Second James Barron

Next Meeting: Wednesday, April 13, 2022

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