95 Beetdigger Blvd, Sandy, UT 84070

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Welcome to Jordan High School
Home of the Beetdiggers
“Preparing students for post high school success”

Jordan High School Community Council Meeting
Wednesday, April 13, 2022 @ 6:00 pm
Tech Atrium

Dina Kohler
Jason Long
Wendell Ashby (Zoom)
James Barron
Stephanie Brockbank
Bryn Cook
Becky Cowdell
Robyn Davidson
Patrick Doyle
Jennifer Hilton
Heather Isbell
Brandie Kafentzis
Angela Robison

Guest: Mr. Neal Summers – District 4 School Board Candidate

Trudy Barnes
Amy Bryant
Maddie Christopher
Bruce Eschler

Adam Boyer
Aimee Wagner


1. Welcome                                                                                              Rebekah Cowdell

2. Review and Approval of Meeting Minutes                                      Rebekah Cowdell
     Heather Isbell motioned to approve
     Pat Doyle seconded the motion

3. TSSP/Land Trust 2021-22 Budget Updates                                    Dina Kohler
     Still finalizing purchases EdTech out of the allocated budget that was previously approved
     4th Hall Monitor hired. Going great!
     Principals received word from Leon Wilcox (COO), able to carry over more than the usual 10% if funds go to support teachers and/or ESP employees
          If our EdTech purchases have leftover money above 10% from TSSP, can SCC support an increase in FTE funding from excess funding?
               Motion to vote by Angela Robinson
               Seconded by Bryn Cook
               Unanimous in favor

4. TSSP/Land Trust 2022-23 Update                                                   Dina Kohler
     Plans have been submitted for approval
     $30,000 more than we thought, so the 4th Hall monitor was put into the plan since we already discussed it.

5. Counseling Center Updates                                                              Maddie Christopher
     End of year prep:

  • Meet with Seniors, specifically credit deficient senior
  • All deficiency notices will be sent out with Summer school information for all students and grade levels
  • Senior Bulletin: April 25 & 26 sent on Skyward and presented to seniors in class
  • Prizes for seniors who are on track to graduate by May 10 
  • Cap & Gown pickup: May 17
  • Junior visits: May 27 & 28
  • AP tests: 1st 2 weeks of May

     Monday April 18 – Senior Expectations for graduation ceremony
     During APP Period

     ASPIRE testing update from Brandie Kafentzis

  • Tue April 19 & Wed April 20 
  • Goal of 95% participation

6. Other Items SCC Members

  • Patrick Doyle: Is there a possibility of West doors open for SCC meetings? Dina
  • Brandie Kafentzis: ACT Prep Courses, can we subsidize? Brandie is working with Dr. Eschler to help make it available for all students.

               Jennifer Hilton asked if there is an opt out option for ASPIRE testing

  • Dina Kohler: Parking Lot Flow Observations

               Discussion will be on May Agenda

  • Wendell Motions to put Parking on Agenda

              Becky says, no need to motion, we can just put it on the May agenda to be voted on.

  • Wendell Ashby proposes to add a discussion item for May. JHS SCC supports the following:

·         Topics of race that should or should not be taught in the classroom.

·         Becky and Wendell had discussed that the state legislature and state school board has jurisdiction over the guidelines that have been set.

·         Discussion would be that SCC develops a statement that would be brought to Canyons School Board about where we stand.

·         Dina brought up the SafeUT app because it is 100% anonymous and that she would love to tackle this.

·         Dina brought up the recent state legislation.

·         All present SCC members made statements about how we can target the problem rather than “flockshoot”?

·         Angela Robinson suggested that we wait to see what happens with 

  • Stephanie Brockbank asked about a parent who asks, what is being done about the bathroom situation?

·         Dina replied that Hall Monitors are making patrols and sweeps through bathrooms.

·         Patrick asked for clarification on the direction of school policy towards addressing bathroom activities.

·         Dina said that in-school suspension 

·         Dinner next month???

7. Adjourn

Heather motions to adjourn the meeting.
Seconded by Angela Robinson.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, May 11, 2022


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