Jordan High School
School Community Council Meeting
Wednesday, September 7, 2022 – 6:00 – 8:00 PM
JHS Tech Atrium
Dr. Bruce Eschler – present
Jason Long – present
Kimberlee Montoya – present
James Barron – present
Bryn Cook – present
Beki Cowdell – present
Terri Culberson – present
Patrick Doyle – present
Daniel Herzog – present
Jennifer Hilton – present
Heather Isbell – present
Jessica Stowe – present
Trudy Barnes – excused
Wendell Ashby – excused
Amy Bryant – excused
Brandie Kafentzis – excused
Jen Coccimiglio – excused
Aimee Wagner – excused
Notes & Agenda
1. Welcome & Introductions Rebekah Cowdell
2. Election of Chair & Vice Chair Dr. Eschler
● Chair
○ BC: motions to name/keep BC as Chair
○ Seconded by JH
○ Unanimous in favor, other than BC who abstained
● Vice Chair
○ BC: nominates HI
○ Seconded by DH
○ Unanimous in favor to elect HI as Vice Chair, other than HI who abstained
a. Consideration of additional positions:
(Secretary, PTA Liaison, and school drama selection committee member)
● Secretary will be JHS VP – JL has volunteered
● PTA Liaison will be HI who volunteered to do it again
● Drama selection committee will be BC & PD
○ BC & PD would like to do it again and both volunteered
3. Review SCC Roster Newly Elected Chair
● Members will review their published contact information:
○ Email
○ Phone Numbers
○ JL will get to Wayne Jones to update JHS website
4. Review and Approval of May Meeting Minutes Newly Elected Chair
● HI motions to approve May minutes
○ JB seconded the minutes
○ unanimously approved
5. Budgets Dr. Eschler
● Covering Item #5 & #7 together
● Review of TSSP Plan with Land Trust & TSSA funds that were approved last year
○ Plan was approved under the assumption that 1 period of a teacher was $10,000; however, $10k is too low. Therefore ALS Facilitator ($25k) and two hall monitors ($60k) have not been hired because we used the budget for those two positions to fund the additional teachers with an increased cost
○ CSD did provide and paid for a 3rd Hall Monitor. We are now at 3 full-time hall monitors.
○ BE spoke about how September monies can be inaccurate because we have not received exact numbers from CSD. They are projections.
○ JB: How variable are the projections from the budgets?
■ Money has been higher than projected, but CSD and the state have indicated that money should stabilize and be more accurate to projection.
○ DH: Do we have an ALS facilitator?
■ Yes. CSD provides a full-time ALS coordinator. We will consider hiring a 25 hr ALS assistant once we know the budget for sure
6. Data Review Dr. Eschler
● We met our school climate goal from last year: Increase in 5% of students that feel connected to an adult at school. New goal will be to increase by another 3% this year. BE believes that it rose from 85% in 2020-2021 to 90% in 2021-2022.
● Graduation goal from last year, we do not know yet because graduation numbers are not finalized, yet.
7. Land Trust Plan Dr. Eschler
● See Item #5
8. TSSP (Teacher Student Success Plan) Dr. Eschler
9. Counseling Center Updates Counselor
● KM:
○ Counselors have already been in the classrooms.
○ Schedule changes have all happened
○ 12th Grade Classes for Senior Bulletin
○ 9th Grade – CCRs in Geography classes
○ Math Classes – financial aid
10. Other Items
a. SCC Meeting dates/schedule for the year
b. SCC Training Reminder
● Sep 15 – 1pm or 6pm
● Sep 27 – 10am or 6pm
● For some online information on SCC 101, BE will share the link with SCC.
● JS: Do we have to retrain each year?
○ BE will find out and let us know.
● Day of Month for Meetings
○ 1st Wednesday at 6pm, with a couple exceptions:
■ Oct 5
■ Nov 2
■ Dec – No Meeting per SCC Bylaws
■ Jan 4
■ Feb 8 (Feb 1 has Digger Fair)
■ March 8 (March 1 has PTC)
■ April 12 (Apr 5 is Spring Break)
■ May 3
○ BC motions to approve
■ DH seconds the motion
■ Unanimously approved
c. SCC Bylaws
● I. a. & b. – they contradict each other on the number of members
○ BE offers to further investigate to find out why and report at the next meeting.
● Zoom
○ If we allow members to attend via zoom we must make it available to the public.
■ Do we want language in the bylaws?
■ Should we make sure everyone knows that zoom is not a way to attend.
■ Many SCC members
● Bylaws will go on the agenda for the next meeting:
○ Bylaw I. a. & b.
○ IV. language should be added for Jordan “HIGH”
● Email BC with any questions or concerns to be added for voting on the next SCC meeting.
d. ACT Test prep options/funding (update)
● BE: presented information about possible electronic only ACT possibility
○ Strategies are much different, so BE proposes to hold on to our plan because we need to know what the test will look like.
○ Also, fiscally, it may be better to wait to decide on our plan for ACT prep options
○ JH: WiFi/Network access points may be an additional cost
● We will revisit when we have more information to make an informed decision. BE will add to the Oct or Nov agenda.
11. Adjourn
● TC makes a motion to adjourn
○ KM seconds
○ Unanimously approved to adjourn
Next Meeting:
● Oct 5, 2022