Jordan High School
School Community Council Meeting
Wednesday, November 2, 2022 – 6:00 PM
JHS Tech Atrium
Dr. Bruce Eschler – present
Jason Long – present
Trudy Barnes – present
James Barron – present (excused late because of Mt. Jordan SCC being at 5pm)
Jen Coccimiglio – present
Bryn Cook – present
Beki Cowdell – present
Terri Culberson – present
Patrick Doyle – present
Daniel Herzog – present
Heather Isbell – present
Brandie Kafentzis – present
Jessica Stowe – present
Aimee Wagner – present
Officer Jason Hoopes – present, guest
Wendell Ashby – excused
Jennifer Hilton – excused
Kimberlee Montoya – excused
Amy Bryant – Absent
Notes & Agenda
1. Welcome Rebekah Cowdell
● Introduction of Officer Hoopes – guest
2. Review and Approval of Rebekah Cowdell October Meeting Minutes
● Motion to approve by JC, seconded by TB
○ Unanimous Approval
3. Review/Updates: Dr. Eschler
a. Budgets
● Waiting for final numbers.
● We will see money approved for spending from last year SCC start to dwindle the accounts. This is money for personnel.
● Plan is being implemented as…planned.
b. Data Review
● School Grade – B, this is a reason to celebrate overall.
○ Always room for improvement. We are in TSI, but possibly leaving this status.
○ ML students are a struggling subgroup – AW asked, “What supports do we have?”
■ PD for teachers regarding best practices for language acquisition
■ Possible Student Ambassador program
■ ALS Coordinator (Marianella Roundy)
■ Co-Taught Classes
■ Puertas Abiertas
■ Digger Fair
○ How many teachers are ESL endorsed?
■ 24 teachers, 1 counselor, 1 AVID Coordinator, and 1 principal
○ What stipends are available for those that are ESL endorsed?
■ Can we advocate for the District to provide stipends for those that are ESL endorsed?
c. Land Trust Plan
d. TSSP (Teacher Student Success Plan)
e. Safety Plan (Jason Long & Officer Hoopes)
● Questions from SCC
○ Do students know blindspots of cameras?
■ No.
○ What actual emergencies would parents get notified?
■ All through Sky Alerts / Parent Square
○ What can SCC parents do to help advocate for a secure vestibule?
■ Dr. Eschler encouraged parents to participate in the political process of CSD etc. JS echoed this sentiment with a walk-way bridge that was
needed in Taylorsville and her experience as an administrator at that school.
○ Exterior Doors:
■ Can we somehow get notifications of propped or open doors?
● It is a feature that has been discussed many times.
■ JS: Why is a secure vestibule entry not more of a priority with the district if the perception of JHS is a dangerous school?
● AW: More of a reason to speak to their board members.
● Dr. Eschler: Improvement of our facility and programs is our top priority when we have the opportunity to speak with board
members/district leadership. Please continue to engage in the political process as much as you can.
○ Have recent Hall Pass updates, etc. been effective?
■ Anecdotally, yes. TB, BK, JL all gave input that it has helped.
● Safety plan on Dashboard
4. Counseling Center Updates Counselor
● UCAW was a success
5. Other Items
● 5-year plan:
○ Dr. Eschler will push to make this go quicker.
○ JoAnn’s property: options for construction.
■ Dr. Eschler: Our district lacks CTE facilities compared to districts such as Jordan and Davis districts, so could this become a home base
for more CTE programs? We could build an extension of CTEC with new programs, for example:
● Electric motors
● Auto Body Work
● Aviation Pathways
○ What is SCC feedback on this idea?
■ PD: Coding Pathways, Graphic/Web Design
■ JS: What data could we examine to find out which programs are overfull or waitlisted that we could provide more options?
■ JLO: Broadcasting/Streaming
● Social Media like TikTok
■ BC: STEAM Center
■ Overall this idea is supported
● JC: Would this help? Yes, but the majority of students leaving from Jordan is based on Athletics.
○ Field House will happen – contingent on the bonding.
○ Marquee on State Street, but also Sego Lily side.
■ Also just “Jordan” on the building.
■ Discussion about upcoming UHSAA realignment:
● 4A vs 5A?
● Would Jordan be looked down upon for being only 4A in Canyons?
● How would travel affect class time?
○ Early-out Fridays mitigate this.
● Who are we with is more important than the classification?
6. Adjourn
● Motion to adjourn by DH, seconded by TC.
○ Done.
Next Meeting: December 7, 2022 (If needed)
● PD: Motion to cancel this meeting, seconded by AW.
○ Unanimous
● Next meeting will be Jan 4, 2023