95 Beetdigger Blvd, Sandy, UT 84070

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Welcome to Jordan High School
Home of the Beetdiggers
“Preparing students for post high school success”

Jordan High School
Community Council Meeting Minutes Wednesday, September 4, 2019 6:00 p.m. in the Centennial Room

Welcome & Introductions                                                                                Wendy Dau

Members Present – Wendy Dau, Tom Sorensen, Amy Bryant, Jennifer Jolley, Laurel Harris, Natalie Parker, Sheri Tait, Troy Tait, Roger Pinnock, Angela Robinson, Robyn Davidson, Scott Lloyd, Melissa Baker, Denice Hyer, Bryn Cook, Rebekah Cowdell

Election of Chair and Vice-Chair                                                                    Wendy Dau Explanation of rules

Nominated: Chair Scott Lloyd nominates Amy Bryant, Sheri Tait Seconds nomination, Troy Tait motions to close nominations, Roger Pinnock seconds motion. Unanimously voted to approve Amy Bryant as Chair of the Jordan High SCC.

Vice Chair Nominated: Sheri Tait nominated Angela Robinson, Troy Tait seconds nomination of Angela Robinson, Natalie Parker motions to close, Laurel Harris seconds. Unanimously voted to approve Angela Robinson as Vice Chair of the Jordan High SCC.

Purpose of SCC                                                                                              Wendy Dau

●     How to utilize Land Trusts monies

●     Review School Improvement Plan

●     Oversee Targeted School Improvement – Progress

●     Anything that we need the pulse of the community about.

Review of May Meeting Minutes                                                                  Amy Bryant

●     Meetings in Packet

●     Motion to Approve Minutes : Motion made by Melissa Baker, 2nd by Rebekah Cowdell. All in favor. None opposed.

●     Motion to add Angela and Robyn to the meetings minutes from May.

School Improvement Plan                                                                              Wendy Dau

●     Goal #1 improve graduation rate

●     Goal is to get above 90% mark

○     Doing that through better literacy skills

○     Math everyday for 9th graders who are not on Honors Math Track

●     School climate Goal – Measure by Attendance

○     Low Average Attendance Rate

○     Many students who miss more than 10% of school – At Risk

○     Improve Attendance on track rate to 85%, improve by 1 to 2 percent each           year.

○     Action Steps – How data will be measured

○     Attendance Contract – Made with student through Check in Check Out

○     Contracts on attendance less than 50% effective

○     Contract isn’t going to turn around chronic non-attenders.

○     Need to get to the root of the problem – why are they missing so much                  school.

○     School district integrating new math program – issue with math everyday

■     MVP was implemented at Jordan last year.

■     Students were lacking some prerequisite skills to do project based                learning.

■     Teachers thought math everyday would help improve the ability to              spiral topics to help improve math fluency and retention.

○     Tenth Graders(Math 2) are all doing MVP as well because they did it as                9th  graders.

○     Honors Math 1 – Doing MVP just not everyday

○     Honors Math 2- Not doing MVP

○     SpEd students – Math Everyday – second day through directed studies.

○     Aspire data comes out in October

○     Proficiency Rates – Increase by 5% for Secondary Mathn 1 by having math            everyday.

○     Math Inventory – Improve a level over the course of the year. -Below                        Basic>Basic>Proficient>Advanced.

Trust Lands Plan                                                                                             Wendy Dau

●     Basically School Improvement Plan, but it attaches money

●     Being Used to pay for teachers

●     District awarded 69.5 FTE

●     Use to pay for teachers for reading, math sections, ELD, AVID.

●     Divide money into $10,000 chunks, – cost of 1 class period roughly

●     Allows to pay for partial teachers.

●     Better than paying for an entire teacher out of different pots of money

●     Paying for paraprofessionals

●     ELL – 2 ELD teachers to support these students – English Language Learners

●     Read 180 licenses are per student – pricey – over $300 each.

●     Last Years Trust Lands – $67,000 Read 180 Licenses

●     Any questions you have after the fact – email Wendy


Targeted School Improvement Plan                                                               Wendy Dau

●     Hillcrest in Targeted School Improvement as well – Same Categories

●     No Sanctions tied to it. No funding to fix it. Not reported to the federal                            government

●     4 years to pull out of Targeted School Improvement, but really no consequences

●     Go into Targeted School Improvement when you go into the bottom 5% of Utah         High Schools in different categories

●     African Amerian Students (28 Students)- One group of students who struggled –      One group in Targeted School Improvement

●     Every teacher will get a list of students who fall into the different categories

●     To get out of Targeted School Improvement

○     Not be in the bottom 5 % of schools

○     Growth needs to be at least 50%

○     Graduation Rate can’t be below 65%

●     ELD Students – 2nd Group in Targeted School Improvement

○     ELD Students aren’t phasing out of ELD – stuck at an ELD 3 level.

○     160-180 English Language Learners

●     Students with disabilities – 3rd group.

●     Around 350 kids total as part of Targeted School Improvement

●     90 Day plans are required

●     Hired an ELD teacher who pushes into class periods.

○     Helps Regular Ed teachers work better with EL students.

○     Help Regular Ed teacher grade students based on their EL level.

●     School – Working on building positive relationships with kids.

○     Working on being aware of what things are said and how they are said so            that students don’t feel alienated in any way.

●     SST – Student Support Team

●     Paying for an additional Counselor and Social Worker to help with Social/ Emotional well being of students.

●     System 44 – Lower level of Read 180 for students with lower Reading Inventory          scores

6A Classification and Region 3 Information (UHSAA)                               Wendy Dau

●     Educate SCC and PTSA to help debunk misconception.

●     UHSAA – Realignment – Prefer to stay 5A – With rival schools – Alta, Corner,                   Brighton. Etc

●     Meeting with Superintendency – All principals stating they wanted to stay 5A.

●     Bubble School – 11th and 12th grade enrollment – Jordan – 1 of 16 bubble                     schools

●     Bubble School – UHSAA can either bump you up or down – Can appeal to go up            or down.

●     Jordan School District – more clout than others

●     No natural rivalries in 5A region where we were placed with exception of Alta.

●     Losing Instructional time when all of our region is down in Orem and Provo

●     RPI – Everyone goes to state playoffs – seeding is based on strength of                         schedule and not just wins and losses.

●     Football Schedule set – PG, Corner, Bingham, East were all part of pre-season             even before we were moved to 6A Region 3.

●     Call in January – Board of Trustees – Said there may be an opportunity to move            to 6A with Salt Lake county schools

●     The coaches that were available all voted to go 6A.

●     Consulted Admin team – Made more sense to go 6A due to transportation                   costs and loss of instructional time. .

●     Students – Asking why we went to 6A.

●     Concerned about students mentality – faith in their own abilities.

●     Coach sets the tone – team captains should reflect the coach

●     Kids rise to the level when pushed in a healthy way.

●     Kids are coming into school year with defeatist mindset

●     Need to start pushing the positives.

●     Bring out small wins and small successes that kids are receiving as a whole.

●     Parents and students don’t know about RPI.

●     Explain everything said today to Student Body

○     Use growth mindset – believe you can do it.

●     Society of Excuses – Who can we blame.

●     Canceled Sophomore game vs. Corner – Hopefully get more kids back from                  injuries.

Counseling Center Update                                                                             Melissa Baker

●     AP Registration Starts on Monday and ends November 10

●     Pay for test now.

●     $40 late fee per test

●     Free and Reduced – still $40 late fee

●     Cancel after November date – $57 dollars back

●     Fewer Sections of AP , more students, more students took AP test last year.

●     CCR Started today. – Seniors

●     Parents are invited.

●     Counselors go into English classes – Students schedule appt on computers                  after group meeting with counselors.

SCC Training Dates                                                                                        Wendy Dau

●     2 SCC Trainings

●     Basics – 101 – 1 Hour – never been on SCC

●     Training – Land Trusts, TSSA Plans – 90 minutes to 2 hours

●     Oct 2 10am Wendy will be at this meeting.


Items for Next Meeting’s Agenda                                                                   Amy Bryant

●     Meeting dates may change in February.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 2nd @ 6:00 p.m.

Motion to Dismiss – Rebekah motioned, Natalie second. All in favor. None opposed.

Action Items:
Look at AP data
Review Trust Lands Budget from last year.

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