Jordan High School Community Council Meeting
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
6:00 PM
1. Welcome Amy Bryant
2. Review of September Minutes Amy Bryant
3. SCC Training Amy Bryant
A. Email your participation to
4. Review of budgets Wendy Dau
A. Land Trust
5. Covid Case Updates and District Response Plan Wendy Dau
a. School Schedule
b. Friday Learning Plan
c. Schoolwide updates regarding team sports, camps and clinics, spectators
6. Reading and Math Inventory Baseline Data Wendy Dau
7. Counseling Center Updates Melissa Baker
a. End of Quarter Schedule Changes
c. AP Test Registration
8. School Musical Wendy Dau
9. Feedback from SCC about Parent Teacher Conferences Wendy Dau
10. Digital Citizenship Plan postponed to November Wendy Dau
11. Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 4th at 6:00 PM