95 Beetdigger Blvd, Sandy, UT 84070

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Welcome to Jordan High School
Home of the Beetdiggers
“Preparing students for post high school success”

Jordan High School Community Council
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
6:00 p.m.

1)  Welcome & Introductions                                                                           Amy Bryant

Members in Attendance: Amy Bryant, Wendy Dau, Tom Sorensen, Marian Gladbach, Roger Pinnock, Adam Boyer, Jennifer Jolley, Beki Cowdell, James Barron, Mary Simao, Jana Crist, Robyn Davidson, Angela Robinson, Melissa Baker

2)  Review of May 2020 Meeting Minutes                                                       Amy Bryant Motion to approve: Marian
Second by Angela
All in Favor; None Opposed

3)  Review of Current Budgets                                                                        Wendy Dau
Budget breakdown is aligned with our school goals.
●   TSSA
        ○  Being used for 4 teachers
        ○  May have a little extra money that we will follow and by November will                       have a better idea
●    Land Trust
        ○   Some things this is being used for: teachers, reading students,                                    paraprofessionals, interventionist, and 2 FT social workers
●    Cell Tower Updates
        ○   Being used for extra coaches especially with the limited ticket money                        from games
        ○   Used for subs if teachers go through professional development
        ○   Also used for a PT library aide
        ○   About $58,000 currently


4)  School Start-Up                                                                                          Wendy Dau
●    Online, Hybrid, In-Person
●    FTE: converted some in-person classes to online classes to meet the needs             of students
●    Device Access
By the end of the week, all 10th, 11th, and 12th graders will have Chromebooks Freshmen in classes with multiple grades will be given Chromebooks first Chromebooks have been ordered; delay in delivery
If a student wants to bring their own device they can; with a school device, it can be monitored. Canvas works better with Chromebooks
●    Safety Protocols: Questions & Concerns
        ○   Every kid has been wearing their masks with excellent compliance.                            Teachers and Admin have been very impressed.
        ○   Students have been excellent about cleaning up their spaces as well.
        ○   Lunch may be a worry. Have designated how many per table. Students                      may need a bit of a break from wearing their masks.
        ○   One lunch: Two lunches limits the space available. One lunch allows us to                use multiple areas: both gyms, the commons, the tech atrium, as well as                  outside. Have ordered bistro tables placed throughout the school. If there                are concerns we could assign locations? Cold weather may necessitate                    reevaluation. Kids seem to feel that things are going well. Many students                  are going to their cars for a break
        ○   Encourage students to stay with same friend group to minimize exposure
        ○   Reminders to continue to follow protocols as time goes on
        ○   Heartbeet lessons on Tuesday are to give students information
        ○   Three cases to date. One student is an online student. 26 students have                    been quarantined. Updates will be given to parents.
        ○   If a student is quarantined they need to stay out for the fourteen days                        regardless of a negative test. Additional family members will not need to                  quarantine unless the student exhibits symptoms.
        ○   Calls about quarantine will come from a school administrator
        ○   If a student exhibits symptoms and has been tested, the student should                    stay home until he/she receives results.
        ○   Insure that parents understand how to log on to canvas
        ○   15 positive cases in a two week period would cause the school to be shut                down for two weeks


Technology Update & Digital Literacy Plan                                            Wendy Dau 
Due by November. Will review in the October meeting
New Librarian


Counseling Update                                                                                     Melissa Baker
●    Career and college readiness begins next week. Will be going into English                 classes. Information on canvas course
●    Students can make an appointment with counselor
●    Asking that only one parent meets with student due to space in offices
●    UCAW is in October. Will now be spread out through a week
●    University of Utah will waive registration fee during this time
●    AP class: registration opens November 14. Fees will be $97 dollars.                           Cancelation date:February 1 Letter will be sent home
●    U of U has waived ACT for registration but not for scholarships.
●    Will still hold school-wide ACT test. Will still offer ACT prep classes.


SCC Training Dates                                                                                       Amy Bryant
●    In-person Training Dates:
        ○   September 16, 2020  10:00 a.m. 6:30 p.m. District Office Canyons Center 
        ○   October 1, 2020          1:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m.   District Office Canyons Center
●    SCC 101 will be online and this is for new members. More information to                   come. Complete before in-person training
       Will have to sign up for class


Parent Teacher Conference will be held virtually.
Will have more information after principals’ meeting tomorrow. Will teachers be in the building or not?
What will that look like for special education (in person option) Gmail account needed to access google meets
Zoom may be an additional suggestion
Translation for Spanish speaking available in the building 

Action Items:
Baseline data for RI and MI Digital Literacy plan
Jennifer Jolley will review the proposed musical


Next Meeting:  Wednesday, October 7, 2020 @ 6:00 p

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org