95 Beetdigger Blvd, Sandy, UT 84070

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Welcome to Jordan High School
Home of the Beetdiggers
“Preparing students for post high school success”

Jordan High School Community Council Meeting Wednesday, October 7, 2020
6:00 PM

1. Welcome                                                                                       Amy Bryant

Members in attendance: Amy Bryant, Wendy Dau, Marian Gladbach, Roger Pinnock, Jennifer Jolley, Becki Cowdell, James Barron, Bryn Cook, Jay Rudel, Melissa Baker, Sheri Tait, Troy Tait, Dina Kohler, Chris Gardner
Excused from the meeting Adam Boyer and Robyn Davidson

2. Review of September Minutes                                                Amy Bryant
Motion to approve: Becki
Second by Melissa
All in favor; none opposed

3. SCC Training                                                                                Amy Bryant
A.   Email your participation to Amypbryant76@gmail.com
B.  October training in person
C.  Online sessions, new members please see link to 101 training
D.  Everyone should watch the yearly training
E.  Please report to Amy Bryant when training is complete.

4. Review of budgets                                                                      Wendy Dau
        Land Trust
       *Used for reading support and teachers

       *Used for teachers

5. Covid Case Updates and District Response Plan                     Wendy Dau
a.   School Schedule-review changes to schedule, students must attend on Friday.              What does that look like?
b.   Friday Learning Plan
Some type of an exit ticket demonstrating understanding and attendance. Friday is also an opportunity for students to check for missing assignments. Each Friday will be designated as a “A” or “B” day. This will encourage students to focus on those specific classes. Students may come into the school for added support. These meetings must be scheduled (contact tracing) and there should be no more than 5 students in each class.
Covid Report-
   *Indoor sports have been affected by larger numbers of students who are in                    quarantine.
   *The community has been very supportive.
   *Students have done a great job following mask procedures.
   *There are some academic concerns for students who are placed on quarantine.
   *There may be a need to live stream Math classes

Question: With the change of schedule will teachers be able to cover all the curriculum?
Answer:    The District Instructional Support Team has organized a plan for pacing, with a focus on the critical pieces in instruction.

c.   Schoolwide updates regarding team sports, camps and clinics, spectators
   *We have received approval to continue camps. Covid procedures are followed.
   *Attendance at sporting events continues to be at 25%

6. Reading and Math Inventory Baseline Data                             Wendy Dau

Special education goal is to move students from the red to the yellow. Many special education students at Jordan do have a high number of math deficiencies.

EL students are making strides in speaking, however, the reading skills are not as strong. This is evident in the math and reading assessments.

Added support given by daily math class.

7. Counseling Center Updates                                                        Melissa Baker
End of Quarter Schedule Changes
*There are over 100 students who would like to move from in-person instruction to online. The counselors will prioritize who should remain online.
*Counselors request that students make known that they want a change as soon as possible.

      a.      UCAW
      *Counselors are attending classes to help students with College Application                   Week. They have been able to individualize support.
      *Online students may request an appointment to receive help with the application         process.
      b.      AP Test Registration
      November 8th is the deadline to register without a penalty.
      c.       Night School
     *Is scheduled for November and the plan is to meet in person

8.      School Musical                                                                             Wendy Dau
*Spam-A-Lot was not approved
*New plan is to do Into The Woods. This is a district approved musical.
*There is a plan to only do the first act.

9.      Feedback from SCC about Parent Teacher Conferences      Wendy Dau
*Need for a longer meeting time-more than 5 minutes
*Parents reported that they enjoyed the google meet platform
*There was an appreciation for new found privacy, as opposed to the gym
*Pre assign double time slots for EL, DLI, or SPED students
*Add a scheduler specifically for Counselors
*There needs to be a plan to reach underrepresented populations
*Create an instructional video on How to do P/T conf online

10.  Digital Citizenship Plan postponed to November                    Wendy Dau

11.  Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 4th at 6:00 PM
Motion to adjourn Chris Gardner

Second by Jay Rudel

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org