95 Beetdigger Blvd, Sandy, UT 84070

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Welcome to Jordan High School
Home of the Beetdiggers
“Preparing students for post high school success”

Jordan High School Community Council
Wednesday, November 4, 2020
6:00 PM in the Tech Atrium Agenda

Welcome                                                                                           Amy Bryant
Members in Attendance:
Wendy Dau, Melissa Baker, James Barron, Beki Cowdell, Troy Tait, Sheri Tait, Angela Robinson, Robyn Davidson, Amy Bryant, Jana Crist, Michelle Hakkarinen, Dina Kohler, Roger Pinnock, Tom Sorensen, Chris Gardner, Marian Gladbach, Adam Boyer

Review and Approval of Meeting Minutes                                   Amy Bryant

Excuse Jennifer Jolley
Beki Cowdell: Approved
Tom Sorensen: Second
Minutes passed

Review those who have completed training. Please email Amy Bryant if you have completed the training.
Budgets                                                                                                Wendy Dau

Review Budgets: Land trust and TSSA
Land Trust $16,000.00 per month.
TSSA: $13,000.00 per month. (This money may not be available for next year)
Pays for personnel.
We’re on track based on the amounts that are coming out each month in payroll.

Second Semester Schedule                                                                Wendy Dau

Over 150 students have requested to switch to online school. Parents concerned about rising cases. Athletes who want to be available for sports contests. Cautious about health and continued quarantines.
Online classes are full. Option right now is CVHS
Most departments like a separate online class – replace in-person classes. This will disrupt all schedules which may mean rebuilding the entire board for second semester.
Will craft a survey (from JHS) to gauge what parents want. Brainstorming options for other class offerings.
Survey will be crafted on Monday; would like to have SCC review this before it goes out to parents around Thanksgiving so that we can meet the needs of students.
Online students are failing at a high rate – 60% (failing multiple classes)
Want to help with engagement rate. Right now they are in a 0 period. Will change this to a schedule that will have students in an actual period so that synchronous learning can occur more readily. Students can log in or watch a taped version of lesson.
Attendance will be taken from now on; attendance will be marked for engagement during the week
Approximately 140 – exclusively online currently
500 – on a hybrid
Many of the core person to person classes are small, but there’s not a lot of space in elective courses for in-person students.
               Concern about transition to another teacher or class (James Barron). What happens if the master schedule is disrupted and my student has to switch teachers? The school will do its best to keep students with the same teachers.
Online parents feels that the online teaching is not as good as in-person
Math teachers are in sync as much as possible at this time so even if a teacher change occurs, the curriculum is the same. English is very similar.

Promote in-person learning; have been successful up to this point (Chris Gardner)
Communicate with community that students are contracting the virus outside of school and that school is one of the safest places their student can be.
Is there anything that could affect the school or FTE negatively with increases in online students? (Beki Cowdell)

  • The only thing that affects the school is students who select CVHS. Very difficult to track and connect with the student. Jordan is still responsible for these students
  • Would rather not rebuild a complete board. Once set, Arena could be
  • Requirement from district: have to accommodate all requests for online or in-person at semester.
  • Have talked about requiring a meeting if online student is not engaging. There will be something put in place

Cases: Currently 6 active cases

Digital Citizenship Report                                                                 Michelle Hakkarinen

Information linked on the library website.
All K-12 schools have filters through UEN then through the district.
Chromebooks are filtered even on home/outside internets: traced, documented and reported to schools. There is a contentkeeper report that principals receive that tell them what searches are taking place.
Blocked by level
There is a parent concern form – linked to the library website
There will be no in-person assemblies this year. Information will be in Heartbeet lessons during 6th period on canvas. One lesson a month. There will be announcements, etc., that will go out to parents and students.
There are videos that are linked for information.
Can there be an assignment with this? Will need that for online students as well (Additional information on handouts)
You can see these Heartbeet lessons on digital literacy if you are set up as an observer on Canvas.

School Safety Report                                                                               Wendy Dau

Dina Kohler:
Reviewed 2019-2020 goals:

  • create a School Safety Committee
  • First aid kits in classrooms


  • Safety committee has been formed
  • Tourniquet training for all staff
  • First aid kits are expensive; smaller ones have been purchased for athletics
  • Then Covid hit

2020-2021 goals:

  • First aid kits; ongoing for purchase
  • Digital Safety plan that includes evacuation, etc. on website
  • Have put information for drills on canvas for students/teachers to review
  • Security: everyone funneled through the front door/office. This may be an area to focus on. (Amy Bryant) With all students coming and going at various times a day for specific programs, we have to be smart about access to the building. Doors are on a schedule and are locked between classes. Main access point is the main
  • Did suggest badges for all students – this was turned down by SCC a few years ago—they only want to do it if all high schools are requiring
  • There are two secretaries in the front office who try to keep track of adults coming and going
  • More signage to let adults know to check in with the office

Vaping: still a problem? (Amy Bryant)

There is a detector that can be installed in the restrooms. would need three for most restrooms: Would be approximately $25,000.00 to cover all restrooms at JHS. Installed at CCHS; may not be as effective as hoped. Students are fined and must attend an early intervention class. Students do report through the Safe UT app. Have to catch student with vape.

Parking lot safety (Amy Bryant) More signage?
Will request more signage. Hall monitors will be rotating out to observe. Parents and students are going the wrong way for convenience sake.

(Troy Tait) Price of First Aid kits?
Approximately $65. Will need about 100. There was a grant through Sandy City but it has changed

Will be training new teachers in tourniquets
Will not be using the DRSS app from last year, as it was not effective.

Let students know about the SafeUT app. Put in as much information as possible.

Counseling Center Updates                                                                   Melissa Baker

AP fees due November 8
There has been a glitch with grade reporting for the first quarter. Checking teacher by teacher. Math: good grade this quarter may replace last fourth quarter grades

School Musical Updates                                                                          Jana Crist

“Into The Woods”. (January/February) Auditions are going on right now
Doing the entire play. Will have a clear intermission so parents with small children can leave after the G- rated first act. Only those who are older should stay for the PG-13 rated second act. It is on the Board of Education’s approved list and has been vetted by SCC.

Graduation Rate Data                                                                                Wendy Dau

Still have a state report card Reported on:
ELL progress 2018-19 59% 2019-20 41% Dropped statewide.
         Is there an issue with the reporting
ELL exiting: 5% District 6% State much lower
         More of an influx and progress is not significant
         Suggested that we meet with students to give feedback on test so they                           understand and set a goal
Graduation Rate: 2018-19 89.5% 2019-2020 91%
        Break down of categories: have gone up across the board
Readiness (CE or AP) has gone up across the board

Making improvements, but we still have much work to do!

Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 6, 2021 @ 6:00 pm in the Tech Atrium

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org