95 Beetdigger Blvd, Sandy, UT 84070

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Welcome to Jordan High School
Home of the Beetdiggers
“Preparing students for post high school success”

Jordan High School Community Council
Thursday, February 4, 2021
6:00 PM via Zoom


James Barron
Rebekah Cowdell
Angela Robinson
Jay Rudel
Marian Gladbach
Roger Pinnock
Melissa Baker – excused
Troy Tait
Sheri Tait
Chris Gardner
Amy Bryant
Bryn Cook
Robyn Davidson
Wendy Dau
Jana Crist

Welcome                                                                                                               Amy Bryant

Review and Approval of Meeting Minutes                                                       Amy Bryant

Motion to Approve:  Chris Gardner
Second: James Barron

Budgets                                                                                                                  Wendy Dau
TSSA:  $182,000. must go down to $20,000.
Land Trust $172,00. 

We have built in a variety of things that we can use excess money on if needed. We will examine whether or not we need an amendment at our next meeting.

Graduation and Senior Celebrations                                     Wendy Dau and Jana Crist

Survey of seniors: 3 options: drive thru, traditional w/2tickets, traditional two nights w/4 tickets
Top surveys are the traditional ceremonies.
Student government wanted the class together
A second survey is going out to seniors and parents with the two traditional options
Talked with the school board: in favor of a senior celebration; after graduation with testing to attend

Superintendent will need to negotiate this with the board of health

T. Tait: How many seniors. (Approx: 400 will graduate) They want to do this at the school. Can we transition if things change to more attendees?
Yes. We would continue to communicate. We would also be flexible if weather is an issue
We have the capacity to live stream into the auditorium or gym. Either way it will be live streamed for those who are at home
T. Tait: Does this include sound system? Troy can do this.
S. Tait: PTSA senior party is May 25, the night before graduation

Data Review                                                                                                        Wendy Dau

Want to have time to look at this before we make decisions
Documents will be emailed to look at and ask questions if needed. Will be able to discuss further at next meeting.
Reading Inventory: Schoolwide effort due to lack of proficiency
Some students feel behind due to COVID
At the beginning: 59% – proficient or advanced; School: 61% growth of 2% increase.
Students in the reading class: moved 4% out of reading, some moved from below basic to basic
Avg for students in reading class: Over 65% (moved 66 points. Lower due to COVID)
Students not in reading: 66% to 68%
Grade level: 9th and 10th unless they are in ELD 1-3
Average growth for students not in reading was only 10 points
Put a lot more emphasis across the curriculum to improve scores (students should engage in 90 minutes of reading per day to move forward)
Moving in the right direction, but still need supports

S. Tait: teachers don’t always tell students that they have two skips. If an adult is nearby the scores go up. More monitoring helps

J. Barron: Number of students taking it in the fall and winter the same? In middle school, they had incentives. (Watts brought in a soda incentive)

Will ask Mr. Watts what his success criteria was?

Math Inventory:
Fall to winter   Increase in the winter.
Breakdown of freshmen.   26.84 Avg. Growth pts
Sophomore: Avg. growth 33
Now using ALEX program to help students review math skills. Special Ed has been more consistent in use. General Ed is starting to use it
Juniors (not in math every day) 38.6 Avg growth
Breakdown of ELD and Special Ed students

State measures progress in language development (year’s worth of growth,) and in proficient or level 5. The test measures speaking, listening, reading and writing.
50% are making progress in a year.
Why some are not progressing from levels 2-3. 80% of these students are also SpEd
Looking at breakdown of number of students in each level
Level 3 students: 55% are moving up. 45% are not moving up.
Comprehension is more difficult
Speaking is a challenge (Many of these students are shy about how they talk)
Reading: read words to decode, will address this in the next year; will hand schedule for the proper support.

C Gardner: Are they online or in person?
Many are online without the supports

Teachers are very conscientious about not putting the students on the spot, but this makes it difficult for these students to talk. (They need to be talking 50% of the class period) Will work with giving teachers more scaffolding

J. Rudel: time is limited and masks make it even more uncomfortable. Students don’t want to engage as much with the masks

Will email this data to everyone so the council can look at it. Will also have BLT look at this as we craft the school improvement plan.
Should see $450,000.00 in these budgets for next year

TSSP Plans, Spending of Land Trust and TSSA Money   Wendy Dau and SCC members
Review the proposal
Move from 91% to 92% graduation rate
Also increase in targeted groups
Raise rates in specific areas
Will need additional FTE for specific areas for interventions and AVID

Advisory Period: district is looking at this
State has said we will need to roll out social/emotional curriculum. We can do this in an advisory period.
Will create a committee to develop curriculum
Will look at existing advisory periods at other schools. Anyone who wants can join with the visits
Robyn: Is this like AVID?
An advisory could be used to reinforce AVID skills, but it is specifically designed to build relationships between teachers and students, provide Tier 1 instruction in social and emotional learning, and help students reflect on their grades. More like what Alta or Hillcrest have.
C. Gardner: has worked well for student at Hillcrest


Another option could be: Advisory curriculum on Monday. Tutorial period on Tuesday- Thursday. Friday, late start. These are all things we are looking at.

Counseling Center                                                                                 Melissa Baker

Registration will start next week
Information is on the webpage: rolled out for the freshmen yesterday
Counselors have put together instructions on a video and explanation of credits.
Registration gives students required classes and options on canvas and then students will register in skyward

Teacher of the Year Nominations                                                          Wendy Dau

Wendy will send a link to the form.

Covid Updates and Test to Stay Report                                                Wendy Dau

Testing: 1465 students tested   258 decide to quarantine
Results: 5 positives; 3 students and 2 staff members

This was done in two hours thanks to the coordination of R. Jimenez and J. Long. Many other staff members helped with the administration of the testing

Amy Bryant: Thanks to all for attending. Good group to work with through this interesting year

Next Meeting:  Wednesday, March 3, 2021 @ 6:00 pm



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