95 Beetdigger Blvd, Sandy, UT 84070

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Welcome to Jordan High School
Home of the Beetdiggers
“Preparing students for post high school success”

Jordan High School Community Council Meeting
Wednesday, March 3 @ 6:00 PM
Tech Atrium

1.    Welcome                                                                                               Amy Bryant

Members in Attendance: Melissa Baker, Jay Rudel, Wendy Dau, Amy Bryant, Troy Tait, Sheri Tait, Roger Pinnock, Chris Gardner, Marian Gladbach, Angela Robinson, Robyn Davidson, Adam Boyer, Beki Cowdell, Bryn Cook, Tom Sorensen
Absent Members: Jennifer Jolley & James Barron

2. Review of February Minutes                                                                 Amy Bryant
          Motion to approve the minutes was made by Angela Robinson
          Beki Cowdell seconded the motion Unanimous approval of minutes

3.  Review of budgets                                                                                  Wendy Dau
          ELD, Reading, ELA, Math, Avid, Counselors should receive a stipend to help bring
          down the carryover amounts in both TSSP and Land Trust Plans.
          $33,000. in cell tower
          Transfer $5000 to faculty social account to pay for teacher appreciation week,
          lunch for ACT day, dinner for graduation.

4.  2019-2020 School Trust Lands Report                                                Wendy Dau
          Still not available because the state’s website is down. More information to

5.  TSSP (Teacher Student Success Plan) 2021-2022 Discussion        Wendy Dau
          a. Land Trust Budget 2021-2022
          b. TSSA Budget 2021-2022
          c. Advisory Update
          d. FTE Update

     Combine the goals of each of these plans for convenience so that we are utilizing
     monetary resources to the same goals.

     Academic goal is to increase graduation rate by 1% or to 93%, whichever is higher.
     Please see plan specifics to see metrics that will be utilized to track progress
     throughout the year.

     Focus on structured academic conversations next year

     Measure progress through sub measures as well as graduation rates

     Providing support for ELL and students with limited language skills

     9th and 10th grade students in reading; will be able to identify specific needs Math
     every day for 9th and 10th grades.
     Agile Mind math – use with students who have not passed for multiple years and
     SpEd students. Will use this for two years to get students to desired level by end of
     4 years

     (review breakdown of monies for each area – in hardcopy of budgets)

     School Climate goal is focusing on increasing the number of students who feel
     connected to an adult at Jordan High. Currently, this number is only at 85%.

     Visited Hillcrest and viewed their advisory, which allows for these relationships to
     be built and for time built in the school day for students to catch up on their
     academics. TSI students could be tracked in this time

     Required by state to roll out a social and emotional curriculum – Advisory period
     This will be in a separate class time. Will decrease lunchtime to maintain
     classroom instruction time. Helps students with one of two F’s. (Hillcrest had a
     well-functioning advisory with similar demographic)

     Pay for social workers and counselor out of this part of the budget

     (List of possible additional needs that could be addressed if there is additional   
     money not spent)

     R. Davidson: explanation of advisory?
     Could be one day a week: social-emotional curriculum (40 minutes) Could be more
     than one day with assignment/test makeup Students will be placed with a teacher
     in their schedule
     Will depend on how BLT decides to set this up; communication will go to parents

     A. Bryant: could there be a service component or other benefit for those who help
        Yes, we have talked about having a sign-up for students who would like to do this
     Also looking at implementing additional cords for seniors who participate in like

     A. R: Can there be an app for this?
         Yes, it can be customized
      Students can earn credit (P) for this period. students can also receive an F if they
      do not attend

Motion to adopt TSSP and Land Trust Plans: Sheri Tait; Robyn Davidson – second Motion carries with unanimous support; two members absent as indicated above.

6.  Counseling Center Updates                                   Wendy Dau and Melissa Baker

Going through registration for next year; reviewing what went well, what did not Feedback/Suggestions
Currently conducting 10th grade CCR’s (CCR’s for different grade levels are spread out through the school year)
Getting word out to seniors to get credits completed
         How to get students to think long term?
             This may be something that can work well in advisory
Test outs will need to be done before, otherwise the class goes into the student’s schedule
        A. Bryant: Individual conferences: student may not pay attention because parent
        is present?
            This is a state requirement: to make every effort to have a parent present
            Brainstorm some other ways to get students to feel more accountable with
            their plans toward graduation.

7.      Graduation & Senior Celebration 2021                          Wendy Dau ( in packet)
Parent and student surveys were almost identical
Survey results: Two nights; 4 guests
Rental is compete through Diamond Rental
Sound will be provided by the Taits
Students will be able to pick which night Will split many of the performers/speakers
Tentative date for sign ups March 15
May be able to live stream event into alternate locations

Inclement weather:
If one night is bad weather, graduation will be moved to the other night
If both nights are bad, moved to auditorium, speeches pre-recorded

If state increases capacity, graduation will go to one night, Wednesday

After graduation, there will be a dinner/dance on Friday. Seniors must test to attend; masks must be worn at all times except for eating. Fireworks and burning of the J PTA graduation event is Tuesday

8.      Student Activities Spring 2021                                                   Wendy Dau
Assemblies have been scheduled for spring
Prom: May 1, at Jordan Hgh. Will have to test Friday prior to the dance
Jordan students only (will meet tomorrow with other principals to discuss this)
Email any thoughts about this to Wendy

9.      Friday Update                                                                                 Wendy Dau
The board has not voted on this yet They may want feedback
15 Students currently at SLCC – this could possibly harm these students with graduation requirements
Students with current work release schedules

Changes: Wendy will be moving to the district as the Director of Federal and State Programs in the Equity, Inclusion, and Student Service Department will provide high school perspective which is needed at the district level
Bruce Eschler will be the new principal, he is currently an asst. principal at CCHS
He is passionate about ELL and SpEd, as well as all students

10.  Next Meeting                                                                                    Amy Bryant
          a. Wednesday, March 31 @ 6:00 PM

11.   Other Concerns?                                                                             Amy Bryant
Motion to dismiss: Melissa Baker
Second: Jay Rudel

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