95 Beetdigger Blvd, Sandy, UT 84070

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Welcome to Jordan High School
Home of the Beetdiggers
“Preparing students for post high school success”

Jordan High School
School Community Council Meeting Wednesday, February 8, 2023
6:00 PM JHS Centennial Room



Dr. Bruce Eschler – present
Jason Long – present
James Barron – present
Bryn Cook – present
Jen Coccimiglio – present
Beki Cowdell – present
Terri Culberson – present
Daniel Herzog – present
Heather Isbell – present
Brandie Kafentzis – present
Kimberlee Montoya – present
Special Guest – Canyons School Board Member Andrew Edtl – present


Trudy Barnes – excused Amy Bryant – excused
Jennifer Hilton – excused but showed up for end of meeting Jessica Stowe – excused
Patrick Doyle – excused Wendell Ashby – excused
Aimee Wagner – excused

1.  Welcome                                                                                         Rebekah Cowdell
2.  Review and Approval of January Meeting Minutes                Rebekah Cowdell
               ● Motion to approve by DH, seconded by HI.
                      ○ Approved unanimously

3.  Review/Updates                                                                            Dr. Eschler
          a. Budgets
              ● Everything still looks on course, reminder that most of budget goes to staff
              ● DH asks – do we project any inflation for next year? Possibly, we will discuss when we get to next year’s TSSP plan.

          b.  Data Review
               ● Data has been submitted
          c.  Land Trust Plan
               ● Draft Plan included in handout. Approved by BLT
                      ○ Math Lab for Secondary I for all students has been taken out.
                      ○ Reminder that SCC has final say on approval after input from BLT, admin, stakeholders.
                      ○ Looking to hire instructional aides in lieu of co-taught classes due to getting more for our money. (3) 28 hour aides could target up to 24 class periods
                         instead of only 4 periods of a licensed teacher.
                              ■ Concern is finding the right people.
                                   ● What would be a backup plan if we could not find the right candidates?
                                   ● We could plug in licensed teachers part-way through year.
                                   ● Another would be if the district does not provide .5 FTE of a counselor, we could still keep our “extra” counselor with an amendment.
                                   ● Admin would target aides by recruiting current education students at local universities etc.
                              ■ Question: where would this 51k come from compared to last year?
                                   ● Some would come from reduction of Math Lab / Other FTE
                              ■ Question: how is enrollment looking for next year?
                                   ● Similar to last year, but we are hopeful Digger Fair (which was a huge success this year) will help enrollment rise or at least not fall as much.
                              ■ Question: what is a scholarship aide?
                                   ● They work as a graduation aide and scholarship aide.
                    ○ Discussion about various arrangements between what the district pays for and what TSSP money will pay for.
                    ○ JC motions to approve the 2023-2024 Draft Budget of TSSP/Land Trust Plan as written.
                              ■ KM seconds the motion
                              ■ Passes unanimously

          d.  TSSP (Teacher Student Success Plan)

4.  Counseling Center Updates Counselor                                   Kimberlee Montoy
                    ○ Senior Bulletin
                    ○ Registration has begun
                               ■ Registration cards are due this week during Math class
                    ○ Crisis counseling due to the recent death of one our student is available

5.  Other Items
            ● We Are Jordan Video!
                     ○  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iLqQ0j9zOo5ydlCXQNc5QsL SUwEDm0/view?usp=share_link
            ● Input on upcoming Parent Teacher Conferences:
                     ○ We currently plan on doing one day virtual and one day in person
                     ○ Appointments for in person too?
                         ■ Consensus seems to be that no appointments for in person but scheduled for virtual.
                     ○ In person – should we continue to do them in the classrooms or the gym?
                         ■ In the classrooms!
                     ○ We can still accommodate the needs of parents’ schedules as needed.
                     ○ Thought is to go with the following plan:
                          ■ In-person day on the day that overlaps with Middle School
                          ■ Virtual day on the day that overlaps with the Elementary
                          ■ Feedback is the reverse of our plan because fewer conflicts with families have High School aged and elementary-aged students in their families at the
                             same time.
                          ■ Ask Mr. Kemp to reach out to middle schools for their plans.
           ● Virtual Day – Mar 6 2023 Announcement
           ● Graduation – May 25, – 2:00 PM @ Maverick Center
           ● ACT Prep Class Update from Brandie Kafentzis
                     ○ All Juniors have access to the Canvas Course and the instruction is recorded for students to access.
           ● Discussion, Q+A with Board Member Andrew Edtl
                     ○ Facility concerns – Andrew will look at minutes from Jan 4 SCC meeting
                          ■      Secure vestibule is a huge priority
                     ○ Concerns of boundary students going to other high schools
                     ○ Huge shout out to Andrew Edtl for attending our meeting!

6.  Adjourn
           ● HI motions to adjourn the meeting
                     ○ TC seconds
                     ○ Motion passes unanimously

Next Meeting: March 8, 2023


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