Jordan High School Community Council Meeting Wednesday, January 8, 2020 6:00 p.m. Centennial Room
1) Welcome Amy Bryant
Members Present:
2) Review of Minutes from November Meeting Amy Bryant
3) Budget Overviews Wendy Dau
a) Land Trust
b) Teacher Student Success Plan (TSSP Money)
c) Cell Tower
4) Utah School Report Card Data Wendy Dau
5) Registration & Counseling Information Melissa Baker
6) Upcoming Assemblies & Events Wendy Dau
a) Collin Kartchner & Social Media on Jan. 10th
b) Every Brilliant Thing on January 30th
c) Digger Fair on February 5th
7) Schedule Possibilities Wendy Dau
a) One Lunch for Next School Year– discussion
b) Uniform High School Schedule
8) School Safety Updates Wendy Dau
9) Next SCC Meeting Change:
a) Either change meeting time to 4:00 p.m. for February 5th or change to
February 12th and keep it at 6:00 p.m.
b) Meeting change is required due to the Digger Fair
10) Next SCC Meeting Agenda Items:
a) School Improvement Plan
b) Teacher & Student Success Plan
c) Trust Lands Plan
d) Mid-year progress data for Secondary Math 1, Math Inventory, Reading
Inventory, WIDA progress monitoring