95 Beetdigger Blvd, Sandy, UT 84070

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Welcome to Jordan High School
Home of the Beetdiggers
“Preparing students for post high school success”

Date: Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Attendees: Rebekah Cowdell, Dr. Bruce Eschler, James Barron, Patrick
Doyle, Brandie Kafentzis, Trudy Barnes, Krystal Hansen, Elizabeth Demke,
Rachael de Azevedo, Melissa Jones, Dave Barrett, Terri Culberson,
Matthew Toone
Introductions around the table
Agenda Items:

  1. Review and approval of May 2024 meeting minutes- Patrick Doyle
    motioned to approve May minutes, James Barron offered a 2nd to the
    motion and council unanimously voted to approve May minutes.
  2. Elections–Rebekah Cowdell stepped down as SCC Chair
    a. Patrick Doyle nominated to be SCC Chair
    i. Motion to elect by Brandie Kafentzis
    ii. 2nd by Trudy Barnes
    iii. Patrick Doyle elected unanimously to be Chair of the
    b. James Barron nominated to be Vice Chair
    i. Krystal Hansen motion to elect
    ii. Melissa Jones 2nd to motion
    iii. James Barron elected unanimously as Vice Chair
  3. Council thanked Rebekah for her service a SCC Chair
  4. Review updates
    a. Budgets- Dr. Eschler explained and reviewed budget line items,
    budget discussion
    b. Data Review-Dr. Eschler, graphic representation of various
    school data sets in handout reviewed-looked at grades, AP
    success, attendance, disaggregated by subject proficiency
    levels, CTE enrollment, etc.
    i. Bolstering JHS ACT prep course discussed
    c. Land Trust-Dr. Eschler explained origin of funds and;
    d. TSSP (Teacher Student Success Plan)
  5. Counseling Corner-Melissa Jones updated Council on
    a. new counselor Abby Forsberg,
    b. new College Access Advisor Jael Harmon
    c. Great Start
    d. Senior deficiencies
    e. CCR curriculum in classes
    f. Schedule changes
    g. College opportunities
  6. SCC Roster
  7. SCC meeting dates and schedule decided- Dr. Eshler motioned,
    Brandie 2nd, vote was unanimous
  8. SCC Training Reminder
  9. SCC Bylaws- no changes
  10. Parent-Teacher Conferences format discussed
    Adjourned at: 7:05pm- Terri motioned Trudy offered 2nd, unanimous to
    Next meeting dates: October 2nd, November 6th, Mtng december tba. Jan
    8th. Feb. 5th, Mar 5th, April 2nd, May 7th. All meeting will begin at 5:30pm

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