School Community Council Meeting—Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Meeting Notes and Agenda:
Attendance- Dr. Bruce Eschler, Patrick Doyle, James Barron, Matthew Toone, Rebecca Brown, Trudy Barnes, Brandie Kafentzis, Terri Culberson, Rachael de Azevedo, Krystal Hansen, Elizabeth Demke, Melissa Jones, Dave Barrett
- Welcome and Approval of November Minutes:
SCC Chair, Patrick Doyle, welcomed the Council and requested a motion to approve November meeting minutes.
Rebecca Brown motioned to approve November minutes, Melissa Jones seconded the motion and motion approved by unanimous vote
- School Review and Updates
Dr. Eschler provided review and updates:
TSSP (Teacher Student Success Plan) and Land Trust Plan—discussed goals and data from last year. Reviewed draft proposal for academic and climate goals for the 25-26 school year.
Budgets—review and discussion
Data Review—points of celebration and needs for improvement, discussed Avid program successes, data trajectory amongst subgroups is positive, increased enrollment in CTE, number of students with zero failing grades is higher
- Counseling Center Updates
Melissa Jones: course request cards discussed, resource allocation and student supports shared, Junior CCRs finishing, prepping for 2nd semester schedule changes, upcoming events (i.e., digger fair)
- Other Items– need for Math Lab discussed, two lunches a possibility, APP assignment discussed, RTI Scheduler for student support during app
- Adjourn—Trudy Barnes motioned to adjourn, Matthew Toone Seconded motion, unanimous vote to adjourn. Adjourned 6:53pm.
*Next meeting Wednesday, February 5, 2025