95 Beetdigger Blvd, Sandy, UT 84070

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Welcome to Jordan High School
Home of the Beetdiggers
“Preparing students for post high school success”

Jordan High School Community Council Meeting Agenda Wednesday, October 2, 2019 6:00 p.m. in the Centennial Room

1)  Welcome                                                                                 Amy Bryant


Ryan Durrant, Dina Kohler, Marian Gladbach, Amy Bryant, Bryn Cook, Robyn Davidson, Angela Robinson, Pam Loveridge, Roger Pinnck, Chris Gardner, Rebekah Cowdell, Denice Hyer, Jennifer Jolley, Laurel, Tom Sorensen, Sherri Tait

3)       Approve September 2019 Meeting Minutes

Marian motion, Robyn approved                                            Amy Bryant


4)       Budgets                                                                           Wendy Dau/Ryan Durrant

a)       Trust Lands Budget

b)       TSSA Budget

These are baseline amounts. We will continue to monitor with each month. More information next month.

c)       Cell Tower

It was asked how much money was available in cell tower. Wendy was not present to answer the specific questions.

5)       Data Share:                                                                        Wendy Dau

a)       School Climate Survey-
Positives-students know an adult in the school that support them, I like Jordan HS, teachers believe they will graduate,
Concerns-lack of respect student to student, Will Heartbeet lesson address this behavior?

b)       AP Data will be shared next meeting

6)       Reminder about SCC Trainings                                       Wendy Dau
           Paper with remaining trainings has been provided.


7)       Counseling Center Updates                                             Melissa Baker
           a)  Parent Night on Vaping-CCheck the flyer: concern about the look of the                        flyer.

b)    Social and Emotional Health
            i)      Social Media: plans for assembly regarding the impact of social                            media, particularly with respect to Instagram.

ii)         Depression, Anxiety, Suicide: Utah Shakespeare Performance;                        more information forthcoming.

c)     UCAW- Oct 22nd and 23rd, during finals week-need to take a look at this for next year.
Concern-students are afraid to apply, do not think they can get in. There is an overall fear of failing.


8)       Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 6th @ 6:00 p.m. 

9)       Agenda Items for Next Meeting:

a)       Trust Lands Report for 2018-2019

b)       Reading Data

c)       Digital Citizenship

10)    Action Items for Next Meeting

Motion to adjourn-Robyn

Second by Chris


Safety committee parent volunteers-Amy Bryant and Bryan Parker

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