Jordan High School Community Council Meeting
Wednesday, October 4, 2023 @ 6:00 pm
Tech Atrium
1. Welcome & Introductions: Rebekah Cowdell SCC Chair
2. Review and Approval of September Meeting Minutes
a. Jen Coccimiglio motions to approve, Trudy Barnes seconds the motion
○ Passes Unanimously
3. Review/Updates: Dr. Eschler
a. Budgets
● Dr. Eschler reports that budgets look as they should. Currently, all funds are being allocated to staffing. However, we are still looking for:
○ 17 Hour 504 Aide
○ (2) 27.5 Hour ML Instructional Aides
● If we cannot fill those positions, we may have some extra money to allocate at a later meeting.
b. Data Review
● No Data Review today because of the other 3 plans we will be reviewing tonight (Safety, Digital Citizenship, PBIS)
c. Land Trust Plan
d. TSSP (Teacher Student Success Plan)
4. Digital Citizenship Michelle Hakkarinen
● District provides a package of lessons of which we teach at least 3. District would like Oct 16, 17, 18. Plan is to do these as announcements.
● Furthermore, we will take the lessons and do one each month. Michelle has uploaded the lessons to canvas in 15 minute increments. These will be taught during APP class on either a Mon or Thu, which are the days that students do not rotate.
● Parents asked if they could view them. Yes, if they are an observer for Canvas.
● Dr. Eschler filled out the Action Plan on Dashboard.
○ All answers from SCC were “yes”
● James asked about the order of the lessons:
○ Michelle went over the objectives of each lesson, and asked if the order should be altered?
● Rachael asked how the lessons go? Are they effective? Are students receptive?
○ Dr. Eschler explained that having the time to dedicate to this subject is definitely worth it. Administration agrees that the lessons are useful, but we could always do more.
○ Amy, as a parent, likes that it reinforces messaging from home. 5. Safety
5. Safety Plan Roberto Jimenez
● District has adopted the Standard Response Protocol. This is to establish a common vocabulary.
■ Amy asked about the reunification points and if there would be busing? Also, what if students leave on their own via personal vehicles, etc?
● 1st priority is to be safe, so students would then communicate with their own parents.
● District has applied for a grant to upgrade the following:
○ District is also working on an upgraded badge entry system so that, for example, Law Enforcement could enter at any time.
○ District is also adding up to 4 new cameras (pending a grant) to help us see areas that we don’t have great cameras
○ Install a new paging system that has emergency alerts/protocols integrated within.
○ Badge printers are coming for visitors.
● Office staff is trained for emergencies as well as School Safety Advocates (Hall Monitors)
● Questions?
○ What is the top concern right now?
■ Mr. Jimenez believes it is internal safety, including day to day interpersonal interactions between students and even adults/students.
○ Krystal asked if any live shooting drills are on the docket
■ No. But there are new videos the district has provided training videos.
○ Patrick asks about our type of camera system?
■ We are using Milestone.
○ Jen asks about when parents enter, can we have better signage for visitors to check-in?
■ The secure vestibule solves this problem. However, what can we do in the meantime?
● We do have a good view from offices of what is going on. We can see the front of the school. We will also look at providing better signage for visitors.
● Dr. Eschler is going to continue to advocate for a secure vestibule.
● Vape Sensors
○ We have money to put in the HALO system; however, the district said no, for now. The district would like to pilot another system first which is a dual sensor system.
■ Matthew asked what the punishment is for vaping?
● THC = law enforcement referral & suspension
● Non THC = a fine & phone call home.
■ Jen asked how common are vaping problems?
● Constant
■ James asked about the SafeUT app?
● Could we have a more localized system that may promote students to use it more proactively?
○ Some members disagree and like using the SafeUT app.
● Jenifer asked if a SafeUT tip is enough to search a student?
○ Yes.
● Dr. Eschler asked the Safety Plan Questions
○ Answers were “Yes”.
○ Areas of need and focus were added as well
○ Jen commented that it was interesting to her that “mental health” was cited as a major issue at our SCC training
■ Dr. Eschler responds and confirms that it is a major concern. Positive relationships are very important. We are lucky to have 2 Social Workers at Jordan High.
○ Patrick asked if the 3-4 new cameras are in addition to what we have? Or are we doing all new cameras.
6. PBIS Plan
● Jordan High has H.E.A.R.T.
○ Students can earn PBIS Rewards by showing H.E.A.R.T.
○ Lessons are taught during APP about how Beetdiggers can show H.E.A.R.T.
○ Student Gov, PLT, NHS, LIA, Captain’s Academy, PTSA are all groups that
7. Counseling Center Updates Counselor Laura Wohlfort
● Utah College Application Week (UCAW)
○ College Applications
■ Free Applications during October ○ Scholarship Applications ○ FAFSA, opens in December
■ FAFSA night is in January
● Senior CCRs are next week
● Junior CCRs are around Thanksgiving
8. Other Items:
● Followup discussion on parent advocacy for JHS
○ Table until the November meeting.
■ Naval JROTC is officially approved and the district will pay for it and promote it for the coming school year.
9. Adjourn
● Trudy motions to adjourn, Brandie seconds
○ Unanimously voted adjourn
Next Meeting: November 1, 2023