95 Beetdigger Blvd, Sandy, UT 84070

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Home of the Beetdiggers
“Preparing students for post high school success”

Technology Policy

JHS Personal Technology Management Policies & Procedures

Política Tecnológica en Español

Jordan High School Personal Technology Management
Policies & Procedures 

We recognize cell phones as part of the fabric of 21st-century society and believe in the importance of integrating technology appropriately into instruction without distracting students and impeding their learning. Our emphasis is on providing students with superior instruction and opportunities for success at Jordan High School; therefore, student technology use will be managed by the following policy.

Students must understand how to use personal technology productively within a learning and working environment. “Personal Technology” refers to students’ cell phones, headphones, AirPods, smart watches, gaming devices, personal computers, or anything else that can connect to the internet. Furthermore, we strive to protect the privacy and personal safety of students, faculty, and staff. Remember, personal technology should be “silent and out of sight unless invited by the teacher.”

Students are expected to abstain from ANY personal technology use during their class periods unless invited by the teacher.
Students will be required to store and silence their personal technology on their person, in their backpack or bag at the beginning of each class period, and during the duration of class.
Phone use is prohibited when a student is on a bathroom/hall break during class time.
Students are required to use school-issued Chromebooks for educational use during class, not personal computers.
Use of personal technology to record images or videos of students, faculty, or staff without their knowledge and consent is prohibited (see Canyons School District policy 500.06).
Phone use is prohibited in all restrooms and locker rooms.
Any students refusing to follow this procedure will be subject to disciplinary action according to the Technology Use Violation Policy found below.

Students in violation of the JHS Campus-Wide Personal Technology Use Policy are subject to the following disciplinary actions:

  • 1st Violation: Verbal redirection from teacher.
  • 2nd Violation: The device is voluntarily surrendered to the teacher for the class period to be returned at the end of the period. Parents will be notified by a teacher.
  • 3rd Violation: The device is voluntarily surrendered to a teacher or other staff to be taken to the main office for the remainder of the day. The student will be allowed to pick up their device. Administration will contact parents.
  • 4th Violation: The device is voluntarily surrendered to a teacher or other staff to be taken to the main office for the remainder of the day. Parent/guardian must collect the device from the student’s administrator.
  • 5th Violation: The device is voluntarily surrendered to the main office for the remainder of the day. Parents will be contacted. Administrative teams will decide the next steps following the Canyons School District “Levels of Behavior” document. This may result in the establishment of a behavior contract and/or a loss of phone privileges at school.

If a student’s personal technology rights have been revoked, they will be reinstated based on the terms of the behavior contract.

Parent/Guardian/Student Communication
Jordan High School understands the need and desire to have accessible communication between students and their parents/guardians. For this reason, students are allowed access to their personal technology devices in between class periods and during their lunch periods. Our staff is committed to working collaboratively with the community to ensure appropriate and timely communication during class time. To support policy implementation, we ask parents/guardians to call the school’s Attendance Office to relay any time-sensitive/urgent messages to their child. The attendance office can be reached at (801) 826-6210.

Personal Technology for Medical Use and Accommodations
Jordan High School recognizes that personal technology may be used for medical reasons and the controlling of medical devices. Student’s medical needs should be disclosed to school personnel and appropriate measures can be taken to support these students. Notify your school administrator to ensure a student has an emergency action plan (EAP) in place.

Liability and Responsibility
If a student chooses to bring a device to school, Jordan High School is not responsible for loss, theft, or damage to personal technology on school grounds. Students are expected to respect other students’ property and will be held responsible for loss, theft, and any damage that they cause.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org